R (estadística)

My R lecture notes / Mis apuntes de R (updated 23-07-28)

I link you here the «R for life sciences» lecture notes I am doing, so they are easily available.

(If you prefeer in Spanish click here / Si prefieres en español pincha aquí)


1. Easy R start  html

2. Operations  html

3. Basic graphics and data  html

4. Quarto and RMarkdown: html

5. Hypothesis testing html

6. GGplots html

7. dplyr and tidyr html

8. Git and Github. There are good tutorials here and here. To integrate a RStudio project into a GitHub or Bitbucket repository, see this tutorial.

You can also get some of the previous tutorials in other formats (pdf, docx or epub) or find the original code here.

Other sources to learn R programming

Some other interesting books to learn R:

¿Not enough books? For more books (some not free), look at the big book of R. Try from the chapter for life sciences.

Web pages with examples of R code:

For reproducible code basics:

Blogs about R:

To ask for a specific topic:

Sources for statistics



If you know of other free sources that should be in these lists, please, feel free to put them in the comments.

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